Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Thot I Saw a Puddy Cat & Other Hallucinations

I just got off a 36 hour shift this morning and of course I caught the expected late call so it was actually around 36.5 hours of zombie performances. I vaguely remember lying down sometime around 4:00 in the morning a day or two ago, but it was short lived. Working off of a couple hours sleep for days on end was okay when I was 25, but at 55, it isn't quite as much fun. Well, not until the sleep deprived giggles take hold.

The shift was full of the usual patrons and I hitched my drawers up so many times to adjust for the lifting, that I do believe I have the equivalent of a rug burn on my butt.

I just love the elderly patients. They make me laugh more than any other group. Some of them are so surprising with their continued enthusiasm for living. Doesn't matter if they don't have any teeth left, they'll still smile with their whole face if necessary.

We were getting ready to load a gentleman yesterday after his discharge from the hospital. He was lying there nearly catotonic as we were getting things situated, but I talked to him anyway explaining all that we were doing. As we were getting ready for the old heave-ho I said, "Okay, are you ready? I'm going to climb up on the bed with you." He turned his head and looked straight at me grinning, while his feeble little voice replied, "Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy!" The nurse in the room busted out laughing and said that was more than he had said the whole time he was there. I love that I can bring out the best in people sometimes. haha.

The most challenging patients are always those who are not just high on life. The happy ones make for a laugh or two. Especially when they get on a roll to explain something to you. "Like, like, uh, wait. Like, I need to tell you sumpin', Lady...uh...what?" As long as I can jump aside fast enough to save the shoes from their recent lunch, I really don't mind them at all.

Right now however, I have to go teach a class so I better go get ready to mold more little minds. Just as soon as I can figure out where I put my shoes. And underwear {pat, pat}...yep, got 'em.

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