Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Career Change?

Yesterday, as I was revealing yet another aspect of my life to my partner and he started squirting coffee out of his nose from laughing, I wondered if it was time for a career change. I mean, really. My life has been one funny event after another and it seems I never run out of material when we are sitting around at the station and chewing the fat with each other. Sometimes I test that theory and I tell them to give me a topic and I inevitably will find a story that will fit right into the given theme. It helps that I have spent my life trying to experience anything and everything which has developed enough fodder to keep people laughing for a while. I wish I had a nickle (too cheap for pennies these days) for every time I've heard someone say, "Hey, you need to write a book!" Probably so, but I can't seem to get past the 'Once Upon a Time' part. I am better in person because I like to use my hands and expressions to emphasis a point. It might require a bit of ducking on the listener's part which might be why they appear to be so attentive during my ramblings.

They always say that entertainers usually starve for a bit while they are trying to make a name for themselves, but I have been starving for the past 55 years, so it certainly can't be any worse. I have a wealth of topics to talk about. Family, career, adventures, growths that have suddenly appeared or other shifting body parts, classroom follies, money pit woes, animal dysfunctions, or my inability to operate anything that is remotely electronic/digital/battery operated or requires more involvement than an ON button.

I truly believe that our destiny or Karma as some people may call it, is not a series of random events. I've come to accept the things that happen to me because they were meant to turn out that way. There is a bigger picture of which I am not privy to and as they say, all things happen for a reason. Some of those dramas I may never understand , but I accept them nonetheless. So if I am meant to do just a tad bit more before I move on to some other plane of existence, then I better get busy.

One of the younger ones at work made a comment about an old man who worked out at his gym and he couldn't believe that he was in there lifting weights like the rest of them because he was an ancient 62 years of age. I made sure he understood that 60 was not standing with one foot in the grave. There is a stigma associated with anyone over the age of say, 40, that our lives are nearly over and we are not allowed to do anything exciting anymore for fear of breaking a hip. Not to say that I don't worry about it some days, but every time the doc tells me to give up my strenuous lifestyle, I take up another hobby such as skydiving. Don't tell me I can't do something.

Before I am thrown into another phase of my life, I better make sure the current one is on steady ground. I've made it a point to not make any major life changes until warm weather, so I'll know that I am in the best frame of mind for looking at something from every angle. In the colder months, I just want to crawl up inside a big pair of fuzzy slippers and hibernate until I can go outside without wearing at least six layers of clothing. As soon as Spring hits, I'll be looking for a new adventure anyway. I'm making a bet with myself that I can get through an entire year without losing anymore body parts. Or at least prevent my waist from finally reaching my boobs.

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